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Francesco Liam Gullo
Jun 11, 20194 min read
Gen Z, we are different
Yes, it’s already 2019. We are on our way to replace the “Millennials” in entry level positions. We are the future workforce. We are Gen...
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Ankita Talapatra
Jun 6, 20195 min read
Generation Z: what do we want from our future workplace?
I am a part of Generation Z and I truly believe that my generation will make a great influence in the workplace. Generation Z is a word...
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Callisa Honny Indrawati
May 27, 20194 min read
Stop being Pessimistic! “WE” will be more successful than “THEM”.
Hello my online friends! Probably, most of you are Generation Z! Or it could be our future recruiters? Who knows. From the title, you...
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Wenyi Xan
May 13, 20194 min read
Gen Z speaking: Before attracting us, let me tell you about our working and life attitude!
As time goes on, Gen Z are becoming a major group of consumer and workforce. From the perspective of a manager, how to attract them and...
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Ms Co
Apr 12, 20194 min read
The power of Gen Z
As the part of the Gen Z, I think Gen Z will have the great impact in the future work and global economics. So, what is Gen Z? Generation...
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Jane Ziying Jian
Mar 26, 20194 min read
Generation Z from Hotel Institute Montreux Is Proactive and Ready to Work
Generation Z, which is also called Gen Z, is ready to take on the world. The oldest Gen Z is already 22 years old, in which most of the...
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Lazzat Saldarova
Mar 18, 20194 min read
Gen Z and Y: So similar, yet so different at workplace
Each generation is unique with their own challenges and lifestyle. The two largest generations that have the biggest impact in the world...
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Oliver Aubry de Maraumont
Mar 14, 20194 min read
Gen Z in the workplace - where lies their motivation?
When we mention the generation Z, the first thing that will come in mind of an older generation, is that this generation is lazy,...
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Lynn Wyngaard
Mar 7, 20194 min read
Gen Z versus future recruiters.
I think my parents are smarter than I but I think I am smarter than my sister. Does that make sense? Hello and welcome to me or should I...
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Adryan Tang
Feb 14, 20194 min read
What Gen Z Wants in the Workplace.
As each passing days goes by, as we all get older each day (unfortunately), I can’t stop wondering how the future will be like when...
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Carolina Pow-Sang
Feb 11, 20194 min read
The Dory Generation – How Gen Z simply thinks different
In a world where Gen Zers are believed to have a short attention span and a really short term memory, are we all just Dory from Finding...
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Jan 22, 20194 min read
Gen z at work- It is time to delete your misinterpretations
Since being a student of hospitality management at Hotel Institute Montreux I am daily working close to the new generation z. With late...
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João Francês
Jan 16, 20194 min read
Why is the understanding and focus on GenZ a necessity for Corporations nowadays?
GenZ is on the means of becoming the most populous generation comprising approximately 32% of the population. This rapid exponential...
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Lucy Le
Jan 7, 20194 min read
Am I classified a Gen Zer?
Your career intel website has listed a few elements to define the Gen Z at work, which has raised a question to myself whether I am...
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Xin Luo
Nov 12, 20185 min read
The Future Belongs to Gen Z
Agree or disagree, the future always belongs to the next generation, the new generation, and this time, the imminent future belongs to...
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Christine Murillo
Nov 1, 20184 min read
Gen Zers: is the world misunderstanding our love for internet?
Thanks to being a current student of hospitality management at Hotel Institute Montreux and thanks to the strong importance that my...
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Ms Male
Oct 31, 20184 min read
Gen Z- Tech junkies or change makers?
Dear Managers, Recruiters, HR specialists and Business owners. The year is 2018. You are probably logged in on your smartphone, tablet or...
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Bruno De Leoni Ramos Da Costa e Silva
Oct 26, 20184 min read
Companies have to adapt to Gen Z
In my opinion as someone from the previous Generations, known as the Millennials and hopefully as a future manager for the Generation Z...
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