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Ahmad Najim
Sep 30, 20213 min read
Gen Z in Workplace: Encouraging Managers to Engage Gen Z more.
Dear fellow readers, From my humble experience in my first internship in a small boutique hotel, I became more familiar with what it is...
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Ms. Joanna Li
Sep 14, 20214 min read
Gen Z in China: a cohort of consumers you've never seen before!
Warmest greeting from Hotel Institute Montreux, Switzerland! Funnily enough, when I think of Gen Z, the first thing that comes to mind is...
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Mahan Negimi
Aug 31, 20213 min read
Influence of Family in Generation Z’s Behaviour.
As far as I recall, my mother was always the one teaching me the ways of living. She used to teach me how to chew with my mouth closed or...
1,822 views2 comments

Jonathan Neeley
Aug 20, 20214 min read
My plans for Switzerland became my plans for VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).
My plan was to finish culinary school in Portland OR, complete my internship at the L’auberge Hotel in San Diego CA. Then immediately...
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Xiaoyu Wang (Brylin)
Jul 27, 20214 min read
Gen.Z in Hospitality Never Say “No”
"Never say No" has never been a weakness of Gen Z, It has been our unique and outstanding character. Perhaps even we are not aware of it,...
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Yana Tumbeva
Jul 15, 20213 min read
How did Covid-19 influence me in a good way!
Am I a sad person? Society nowadays refers to Generation Z as a “sad generation with happy pictures” but I wouldn’t describe myself that...
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Huynh Le Quoc Bao
Jul 1, 20213 min read
Gen Z: Coping with Stress
Hello everybody! I am currently following term 5 of the Bachelor program in Hotel institution Montreux and this is the very first time...
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Khin Sint Thu
Jun 3, 20213 min read
Understanding Gen Z: From One Gen Z Abroad
“Gen Z has short attention spans.” “Gen Z can’t get off their screens.” “Gen Z expects too much.” If you are someone who has read all...
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Yulia Kapustina
May 20, 20213 min read
5 steps to improve your online learning experience
Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well and staying safe during this time! In this blog post I’ll be talking about the most important aspect...
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Luca Giovanni Banfi
May 6, 20213 min read
What if I would have better used my time? Diary of a repentant procrastinator
I did it again. For the umpteenth time, I have not submitted my assignment paper on time. Guess how much high my GPA would be without all...
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Varvara Stradina
Apr 22, 20214 min read
How Gen Z is reshaping the workforce
In the beginning I want to say that every generation brings to our world something new. We live in 21st century and it’s the age of...
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Linda Iazzetta
Apr 8, 20214 min read
5 advantages to assume GenZ
Hello everyone! I am just a girl belonging to Gen Z, very similar to the previous generation but with different goals and dreams. Why am...
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Mara Constantin
Mar 26, 20213 min read
GEN Z: Striving for Excellence in the Hospitality Industry
What do you need to ask yourself and to actually motivate you to strive for excellence? Is it where you would like to be in the next two,...
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Felix Linnarinne
Feb 22, 20213 min read
Gen Z, masters of time management?
Due to globalization, the value of time has grown, and the skill of time management is highly needed to compete for success. In the...
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Kitti Fekete
Jan 21, 20214 min read
How does Generation Z adapt the changes of the pandemic?
Each generation experienced some kind of dark spots through their life that had a huge influence on them in the future. Let just take an...
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Clarence Carrion
Jan 7, 20213 min read
When Covid19 hit us, all my plans became dust.
I was supposed to stay in Switzerland until July to complete my first year at Hotel Institute Montreux and then fly to London for an...
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Daniya Urmurzina
Dec 7, 20203 min read
Generation Z in Kazakhstan: modernization coupled with traditional values
Looking through many articles that my colleagues were writing before I saw that Gaelle’s blog post was talking about the difference...
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Mert Basaran
Dec 1, 20203 min read
Gen Z succeeding in international universities
Hello, everyone! I've just finished my classes and I immediately went up to my university’s terrace to enjoy the beautiful weather and...
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Rachele Cena Zandotti
Nov 19, 20204 min read
Gen Z: why to choose hospitality studies and career?
Did you know that gen Z is more likely to work in the hospitality industry? Did you know that gen Z is one of the largest generations...
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Drazen Duric
Nov 13, 20203 min read
When Military meets Hospitality
Hello everybody! I am going to tell you my experience and what I have learnt going through the military and then starting a career in the...
549 views9 comments
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